Dental Sensibility | Dental Health

10:56 Matías Ojeda 0 Comments

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How's Your Dental Sensibility?

If every time you ingest hot or cold drinks or when you eat something sweet, you feel a brief but sharp pang, then you suffer from tooth sensitivity. Also known as hypersensitivity, is a common problem, in fact, 33 percent of the population suffers. But his solution is simple and is within your reach if you spend the attention it deserves.

The hypersensitivity is, typically temporary and is rapidly reduced. On those occasions when it is very severe and persistent a specialized dental treatment will be required. Note that this dental problem has an even higher incidence among people aged between 20 and 40 years and tends to affect women more than men.

Causes of dental sensibility

First, and to understand why tooth sensitivity occurs, we must know the morphology of our teeth. Each tooth is made up of three basic parts. In the deepest area found the nerve. Above him, protecting him as if it were a shell, is the dentin. This, in turn, is covered by enamel. Since the glaze has no nerve endings, tooth sensitivity occurs when the dentin is exposed. Basically the causes of sensitivity are four:

1.- The abrasion

First, the abrasion, or what is the same, the loss of enamel by the friction of an object. The most common reason is an incorrect brushing technique. A rough or aggressive brushing teeth can cause a recession or gum loss and the cervical area of the tooth-the neck- is exposed.

2.- The Attrition

Second, the attrition or excessive wear produced by the contact tooth with tooth, an example can be bruxism, press the teeth voluntary or involuntary way.

3.- The Erosion

Third, the erosion which is the cause of the reasons for the hypersensitivity. The cause of the erosion of tooth enamel chemicals can be found in diets rich in foods with high acidity, in certain products that are used in the bleaching or gastric acid. In this sense, it is common to find cases of tooth sensitivity point in bulimia patients or pregnant women who show recurrent vomiting during the gestation period.

4.- Dental Procedures

Finally, certain dental procedures such as orthodontics may be the cause of gingival recession or gum which, in turn, would lead to sensitivity. There is a false belief that other procedures such as dental cleaning or periodontal treatment also cause loss of gums and therefore hypersensitivity. At this point it should be clear that the cause of the sensitivity is accumulated in the neck of the teeth, after disposal by the dentist, can expose the cervical area tartar.

Treat hypersensitivity

"Recent medical studies say, 75 percent of people suffering of hypersensitivity, not use the specific toothpaste for this. However, an appropriate gel can relieve instant and lasting sensitivity. " Say an specialist. He add "Sensitive teeth may indicate other dental problems that require the intervention of a dentist, for example, caries. Therefore, we always recommend a visit to the dentist who diagnosed the cause of the sensitivity and give the patient the right treatment. "

Many of the sealants that are used to solve the problem of tooth sensitivity, are found in mouthwashes, gels or toothpastes that can be applied by the patient without resorting to a specialist. However, other products and more effective treatments to solve hypersensitivity can only be applied by a professional. There are special cases in which the cavities or improper brushing cause such erosion and tooth wear neck which is necessary to undertake a filling which produces permanent sealing of the workpiece. This will prevent hypersensitivity and also improve the aesthetics of the patient's smile because the teeth regain its original shape and appearance.

If none of these techniques work satisfactorily, the dentist will perform a endodontics, desensitize the tooth of a permanently by removing the nerve. In any case, it is advisable to make a visit to the dentist every six months or a year for him to check the evolution of the treated area. And contrary to what many people may think, the economic cost of treatment to relieve tooth sensitivity in a dental center is minimal for the patient.

Brushing and feed: keys to prevent dental sensibility

Recommendations to avoid hypersensitivity is performing a correct teeth brushing. This is important to follow the advice of your dentist. The main thing is to never make horizontal movements, we must brush in a circular manner and using a bristle brush which preferably are not hard and is in good condition, you might renewed it every three months or so.

The guide for proper brushing is:

-Place the brush at an angle of 45º and brush gently doing circular motion (roughly 20 per tooth).
-Turn the brush to help remove plaque from the gum line towards the end of the tooth (scavenging effect).
-Repeat the process on all teeth to gum lines are clean.
-In the incisors (central parts) and canines, brushing the inner surface towards the end of the tooth.
-In premolars and molars, brush the molar surface back and forth.
-Finally, brush your tongue gently and firmly and rinse with water.
-You can also completed dental hygiene with a mouthwash.

Since a diet rich in foods high acidity is, in part, the cause of hypersensitivity, conduct a healthy and balanced diet in which it is not abused, for example, fresh tomatoes, citrus and carbonated drinks will help reduce and improve the discomfort caused by tooth sensitivity.

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