Main Causes of Breast Cancer

5:21 Matías Ojeda 0 Comments

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Causes of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that originates in the mammary cells. This disease mainly affects women, but men can also get to develop it. Every year thousands of women die from this disease, because unfortunately in most cases are not detected until it is too late.

With the advancement of medicine and technology, it is now possible to treat breast cancer and life expectancy has increased considerably. However, there remains a great alarm, the lack of information about the disease is largely one of the reasons that can not be detected on time. As the risk factors and causes of breast cancer are key in preventing this disease, then we reveal the causes of breast cancer you should know.

1.- Age and sex

As we had mentioned, this type of cancer primarily affects women, but men can also suffer. In most cases usually develops while more adult is the person, especially when it has exceeded 50 years. For men there are 100 times less risk for this disease.

2.- Family history

Several studies have found that people that have increased risk of breast cancer are those who have a close relative who has had this type of cancer, as well as cervical cancer, ovarian or colon.

3.- Genetics

Breast cancer can also result from a defective gene transmitted by either parent. A defect in the genes can be up to 80% risk of developing breast cancer at some point in our lives.

4.- Menstrual Cycle

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There is a greater risk if women started their periods before age 12, and also increased risk when a woman reaches menopause after 55 years.

5.- History of the disease

Women who have breast cancer in one breast have an increased risk of developing this type of cancer in the other breast or to repeat the same part.

6.- Consumption of alcoholic beverages

According to several studies, consumption of 1 or 2 glasses of alcohol a day may increase the risk of breast cancer.

7.- Give birth

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Women who have not had children or who had after age 30, are at increased risk of breast cancer. Having more than one pregnancy and do it early reduces the risk of developing this disease.

8.- Hormone therapy

Women who received hormonal therapy for a long time have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

9.- Obesity

Although this factor has not been able to fully understand, experts believe that obese women produce more estrogen, which stimulates the development of this disease. The risk is even greater when the woman suffers from obesity after 50 years.

10.- Radiation

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X-rays and CT scans, increase the risk of breast cancer significantly. If you received radiation therapy as a child or adult, as part of treatment for cancer of the chest area, the risk of developing this disease is even greater. The risk is further increased depending on the dose received and age you had.

11.- Feeding

Although some research has contradicted by relating the feeding with the development of breast cancer, many of them agree that an unhealthy diet can be a major risk factor. The consumption of refined foods, meats, saturated fats, and sugars, among others, involves greater risk for developing this disease.

Causes of breast cancer without showing

causes of breast cancer, main causes of breast cancer,

In recent years there has been alarming to all women on the use of antiperspirants and bras, ensuring they are another risk factor for developing breast cancer. However, so far there is no direct link to associate this kind of thing with this disease. Breast implants and pesticides are not a risk associated with this disease.

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